
We welcome Alicja Wycisk to Novorender πŸ™Œ

May 4, 2023

Alicja will act as BIM specialist and she brings a wide range of experience from her previous employers, Multiconsult and Field.

She worked directly with large datasets, from data capture, through processing and finally data collaboration management.

Who is Alicja and what is her role at Novorender?

At Novorender I will act as a BIM specialist and bring a wide range of experience from several industries. My previous employers were Multiconsult where I worked as a BIM coordinator and Field where I was a survey engineer. At Multiconsult I was involved in working with base data, modelling, and data collaboration management for infrastructure projects. In Field, I was involved in all stages of the reality capture process, from scanning and dimensional control to post-processing of laser scanning and photogrammetry data.

I graduated from Geomatics at the University of AGH in Krakow and NTNU in Trondheim. Recently I completed a postgraduate degree in BIM management and coordination.

I was born and raised in Poland, but my desire to explore the world made me start my professional journey in Sweden. My love of Norwegian mountains made me come to the western side of the Vikings’ origins and I have been living in Norway for the past 4 years.

At Novorender, I look forward to sharing knowledge gained from various industries to create more value for the product as well as assisting our clients with my experience. 

What factors led to the decision to choose Novorender?

It was an obvious choice if you have a natural inclination towards technology.

The IT industry is constantly evolving, and there is always room for growth and advancement – that’s the place where I thrive most. It was a unique opportunity to join the team and I was excited by the possibility to work closely with the software developers and clients to implement their ideas for the product, I enjoy being at the cutting edge of advancements in the construction industry and Novorender will allow me to help push the industry forwards. 

Novorender offers flexible working arrangements, such as remote work and flexible hours which was a great advantage as well. 

I will be involved directly with clients to understand their needs and communicate these to the development team. My tasks will also consist of guiding clients with technical implementation to take full advantage of the software to allow their projects to become more efficient with seamless data access.

What specific tasks and responsibilities will Alicja have as a BIM-Specialist at Novorender?

What specific tasks and responsibilities will Alicja have as a BIM-Specialist at Novorender?

I will be involved directly with clients to understand their needs and communicate these to the development team. My tasks will also consist of guiding clients with technical implementation to take full advantage of the software to allow their projects to become more efficient with seamless data access.

What are some potential future advancements or developments that you hope to see in the field of BIM?

In my opinion there will be a sharp increase of automation such as the creation of quantity take-offs, schedules and clash detection. Those are the repetitive and time-consuming operations that BIM software may be able to automate. By doing so, it can allow designers and engineers more time to devote to challenging and creative work.

I also think that advancements will be focused on the urgent topic of sustainability. BIM systems may be used to optimize building design for waste reduction, reuse of materials and energy efficiency. In addition, it could offer insights of how buildings and infrastructure can be constructed and operated to minimize their environmental impact.

What are some of Alicja’s interests or hobbies outside of work?

In my spare time I like travelling, getting to know new cultures, and trying local food. When my Novorender mailbox is quiet I will pass time playing my drums and guitar. During winters you can find me down-hill skiing in the Alps or Norwegian mountains. Lately, I have started following tennis and I have picked up several different racquet sports

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Rafael Hegre Cabeza

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