
Welcome Håvard 🙌

May 10, 2024

Håvard will act as BIM specialist and he brings a wide range of experience from his previous role as BIM Coordinator in Norconsult.

Who is Håvard and what is his role at Novorender?

I’m Håvard and I just stared in Novorender as a BIM specialist.

I graduated from NTNU with a master’s degree in civil and environmental engineering. My previous employer was Norconsult, where I was involved in road design and BIM-coordinating.

At Novorender I will act as a BIM specialist. I will be involved with the clients of Novorender to understand their needs and desires and communicate these to the development team. My tasks also include technical implementation of clients to make the most out of the software in their projects.

What factors led to the decision to choose Novorender?

I’ve always been fascinated by technology and the possibilities it offers. Novorender offers great software for, among others, the construction industry. As a civil engineer with interests in technology, this was a great opportunity to be a connection between the users and developers of the software.

What are some potential future advancements or developments that you hope to see in the field of BIM?

BIM offers great opportunities for visualization and information. However, the development requires more time for creating the data and data flow. I hope more of these processes get automated so designers, contractors and owners can spend more time on cooperation and creative solutions.

The advancement of BIM makes it easier to measure the impact on nature and emissions from construction. I think BIM will be increasingly important for decision making in the early stages of the projects. In the construction phase the technology can be used for tracking and reusing materials to reduce the negative impacts on the environment.

What are some of Håvard’s interests or hobbies outside of work?

In my spare time I enjoy spending time with friends and family and doing sports. I enjoy skiing and cross-country skiing during the winter, and lately I’ve started running. I’m also a big fan of good food and drinks.

Do you want a demonstration of how Novorender works?

Do you want to try Novorender?

Rafael Hegre Cabeza

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